Here is the possible schedule in a typical carer’s day:
Depending on the area carers can make a number of morning calls and usually begins with early risers, who need a carer to help them get up.
Carers will help their service users get up, washed, showered or bathed and dressed. Most will have a cup of tea or coffee or a light breakfast and many will also need to take their medication, which may be critical.
Depending on the length of the visit or the needs of the individual, the carer could carry out a number of tasks including emptying commodes or change or make the bed and other light domestic duties such as laundry or washing-up.
If the service user only has one call or doesn’t have another call until later in the day the carer might leave a snack or a jug of water and ensure that everything is left safe and in reach for the day.
Some service users go to day centres and the carer will help get them ready to go out and ensure the transport arrives to pick them up.
If any lifting with a hoist is required then two carers are scheduled to visit.
This period is for for any service user who may need a number of visits to ensure they eat and drink enough or take medication.Some service users will be served a light lunch, delivered by Meals on Wheels or one of the specialist food delivery companies. Carers can prepare snacks or heat up food made by relatives.
Some service users need four calls a day, especially if they are unable to get around on their own and don’t have friends and family who can go in and support them. They may need their medication or a light snack. Sometimes this period is scheduled for assistance in having a bath.
Unless there is an emergency carers are usually finishing at around this time.The carer might prepare some supper or make a hot drink and leave the person ready for bed with everything they need for a comfortable night’s sleep.
Service users’ requirements are rarely the same and a carers day tends to reflect this, so it is never boring or dull and always very satisfying.