Supported Living Services | Bristol | Berkshire | Swindon | Gloucestershire

Supported Living

Supporting you to live well!

At Care 1st we work with families to deliver care that achieves the highest quality & standards by providing person-centred support. Our supported living services are designed to provide the level of support required to assist you or your loved one if they don’t want to move into residential care, but are struggling to cope at home alone. We provide a range of services for people who are living with complex and specialist needs such as; learning disabilities, Autism, mental health issues, acquired brain injury, spinal cord injuries, anxiety, Cerebral palsy, drug and substance misuse and many other conditions. 

Our specialist support managers recognise that each individual is unique with their own wishes, needs, aspirations and choices. Our support workers and carers work in partnership with you, your loved one and members of their care circle such as GP’s, social workers and community mental health or learning disability teams, to develop and implement an individually tailored support plan. The support plan is designed to allow your loved one to remain comfortable, active and supported in the home that they know and love, and whilst they go about their day-to-day activities in the community.  

Here at Care 1st we are able to provide a little or a lot of support depending on your loved ones needs. We offer visiting support workers who can pop in throughout the day, live-in carers who can move into their home and be there for your loved one round-the-clock, or temporary respite for a main carer who needs a break. We are also able to help source accommodation through our sister companies or housing associations. Whatever your support needs we can tailor a package that is flexible and adapts as your needs change.

If you would like a little advice or would like to chat through your options, please give us a call today on 0117 968 4809

What is supported living?  

Supported living is a service offered by companies such as Care 1st to individuals who want to live independently in their own home, in shared accommodation with like-minded adults, or potentially in a wing or annex of their family home – but, who aren’t yet capable of full autonomous independence. Supported living gives adults of all ages the freedom and ability to live life on their own terms without the direct influence or control of relatives, friends or neighbours, whilst equally having the comfort and assistance of a support worker to help them manage the complexities of their daily life. Here at Care 1st we offer support workers who can either pop in or work on a shift pattern to provide you and your housemates with shared support, they can even stay with you or your loved one around-the-clock, depending on your needs and wishes. 

What types of supported living are there? 

Independent living

Many individuals living with complex or acquired conditions have the ability and chose to live independently in their own flat, apartment or house. Independent living provides you or your loved one the opportunity to live independently and productively in a place of your own, within the local community and to live with the same freedom of choice and privacy as a non-disabled person. 

Shared living

Shared living is a great option for individuals who desire to live on their own, but do not yet have the capability and life skills to do so. If you or your loved one aren’t quite ready to live alone, shared living in group accommodation can be a perfect stepping stone. The benefit of shared living is that your loved one will have their own space; a bedroom & potentially their own bathroom too, but they also have the benefit from socialising with similar like-minded people, sharing communal spaces, splitting the costs of household bills and sharing the support from a team of support workers.

Support in your family home 

Your loved one may be looking to live more independently but not yet have the financial capacity, ability or be fully ready to move out of the family home that they know and love. Many individuals are fortunate to have their own apartment, annex or rooms in their family home – this gives them the opportunity to be relatively independent and have their own space and privacy, but with the benefit of having family close by should the need arise. 

What are the benefits of supported living?

Supported living gives your loved one the opportunity to live independently, on their own and on their terms, in the home and environment of their choosing. There are huge benefits to the emotional and physical wellbeing of individuals who have the capacity, the desire and the ability to live independently in their own home and community.  Your loved one may be ready for their own personal space, privacy and to live by their rules. It may be important for them to have the freedom to be able to go to bed at a time of their choosing, eat what they enjoy and at a time that works for them and even decorate their personal space to suit their personality! 

The benefit of a support worker is that you and your loved one can have the peace of mind that there is someone on hand when you need them. Although your loved one may be living independently away from the family home, a support worker provides the additional help and assistance to enable them to manage their everyday tasks and daily schedule. Supported living provides individuals with the opportunity to live independently, whilst improving their confidence and wellbeing. 

There are many reasons why people choose supported living and the assistance of a support worker: 

    • Living in their own home or shared house, in the environment they know and love
    • The freedom & independence to control their own daily routine
    • The ability to choose a little or a lot of help from a support worker dependent on their needs 
    • Satisfaction of paying their own bills and managing the household 
    • Family and friends can come and go as normal – no restriction on times, or limits on numbers  
    • Having a space that they can call their own 
    • Being able to get out and about in the community and attend local activities 

What do support workers do? 

Support workers are additional assistance for your loved one to help them with their daily tasks, running of their household and activities outside of the home – support workers provide the additional layer of help to give your loved one the confidence when they need it most. Our support workers are on hand to provide both physical and emotional support – whether that’s having a cup of tea and a chat, watching TV together, exercising at the gym or enjoying days out and about. Many support workers become more like friends to our customers! 

When we meet you our Support Managers will talk you through how we can put together a support plan which meets the needs and wishes of your loved one. Our flexible home support can be built directly around you – your support worker will help as little or as much as you like, we offer visiting support from as little as 30 minutes a week through to full 24/7 support in your own home. Our aim is to avoid any unnecessary disruption or changes to their routine, and ensure that daily life can stay much the same but with the benefit of a little additional support so that your loved one remains as independent as possible. 

Our support workers can: 

    • Help your loved one get up and about in the morning
    • Assist with preparing and cooking meals, and ensuring that you eat healthily 
    • Help with any household chores such as washing the dishes, laundry and ironing
    • Prompting medication or running errands to pick up prescriptions 
    • Mobility support around the home, community, college or work 
    • Provide emotional support and companionship
    • Assistance with getting out and about to hobbies and classes 
    • Assistance with benefits, paperwork, budgeting and paying household bills 
    • Support with employment & job applications and coaching for interviews
    • Assist with activities to boost your physical and mental well-being
    • Help with using public transport such as getting the bus or train 
    • Support you to maintain relationships with friends and family
    • Provide emotional support to manage challenging symptoms and behaviours 
    • Managing complex mental health medication and compliance with community plans

Finding the right support worker for you. 

One of the most important aspects for your loved one will be finding a support worker who fits their lifestyle, hobbies and interests. If your loved one goes to college or university it’ll be important to them that their support worker fits into their social circle and appears more like a friend than a carer. Equally if your loved one is more advanced in their years we’ll find a support worker who’ll match their needs and won’t stand out like a sore thumb. 

Here at Care 1st our Support Managers work closely with families and take incredible pride with finding a support worker who will fit seamlessly into your loved ones lifestyle so that they can feel comfortable, confident and supported. It may be that you’ll need a support worker with specialist or individual personalised training, someone who can drive, or a choice of male or female to suit your loved ones needs, whatever your support needs we’ll work with you to find a support worker who’ll fit your needs perfectly.  

What you can be guaranteed from our team at Care 1st is trusted, experienced support workers that value your loved ones independence and respects their values, wishes and home. 

What types of supported living services do we offer?

Here at Care 1st we offer a range of supported living services to meet your individual needs ranging from a visiting call once a day, temporary cover or full live-in, 24/7 support. Whatever your needs we’ll individually tailor a support plan to suit you!

We offer:

Visiting Support 

Our calls can be tailored to you or your loved one from as little as 30 minutes just once a week. We can pop in to see you a few times a day or alternatively we can stay for a few hours. Our services are designed to fit perfectly around your needs, we can stay as little or as long as you need us.

Shared Support 

Sometimes individuals will choose to live in a shared house with a support worker who can be on hand to help provide support and supervision. This enables individuals with complex conditions to live together harmoniously and manage their day to day living activities knowing that there is someone on hand to support them. 

Live-in Support

If you or your loved one are more comfortable with round-the-clock assistance, our support workers can move into your home and be there for you 24/7. All they’ll need is a bedroom so that you both have a private space when you need it. You’ll then have the peace of mind that there will be constant support throughout the day and night, whenever you need it. 

Temporary Short Term Support

Many individuals with complex needs are lucky and benefit from support from friends, family and neighbours. However at times we all need a break! It may be that there is a family emergency, you have a business trip or you just need a few days away. In these circumstances our support workers can either pop in for visits or move into your loved ones home, to give you the peace of mind that they have the support that they need whilst you are away. 

Who can benefit from supported living? 

Here at Care 1st we are able to support a multitude of individuals to live independently in their own home. We provide person-centred support to individuals who have profound and multiple learning disabilities, complex needs – such as spinal injury or acquired brain injuries, adults who have spent time in hospital or rehab, as well those who are living with mental health issues, physical disabilities or sensory problems. 

Our aim is to provide the real and necessary support which helps adults of all ages regardless of their condition feel that they can be independent, make their own choices, and feel in control of their life. 

We support adults living independently at home with conditions such as:  

    • Autism
    • Aspergers
    • Down’s syndrome
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Depression
    • Anxiety disorders
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Depression 
    • Personality disorders
    • Eating disorders
    • Trauma-related issues (such as post-traumatic stress disorder)
    • Substance abuse (such as alcoholism, drug misuse) 
    • Brain or spinal cord injuries
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Respiratory disorders
    • Epilepsy
    • Hearing and visual impairments 

Why choose supported living? 

Our expertly trained team are able to support you or your loved one at home – wherever that may be, in your independent living apartment, shared living accommodation or parents annex. Care 1st support workers are on hand to help you with whatever you need so that you or your loved one can feel perfectly independent. Our visiting support services are able to pop in for just 30 minutes, or a few times a day – alternatively our 24/7 live-in service means that we are with you around-the-clock to fully support you. 

Whether you need a little help to get up and about in the morning, assistance with managing medication, support to get out to college or work, help taking care of any household tasks around the home such as shopping, housework, preparing meals, or simply getting to and from your exercise class, we’re on hand whenever you need us. 

Whatever your choice of support service we can provide: 

    • Support for people with physical or learning disabilities
    • Encouraging independence at home and in the community 
    • Helping you get up in the morning, shower and get dressed 
    • Managing day-to-day tasks at home, such as vacuuming and dusting  
    • Promoting a healthy lifestyle, such as help with preparing healthy meals and taking regular exercise 
    • Assistance with job seeking and filling out paperwork 
    • Managing medication and assisting with picking up prescriptions 
    • Accompanying individuals to community groups and social activities
    • Support to help manage and pay the bills

Whatever your support needs we can tailor a support plan which will take into account the support you or your loved one needs to remain perfectly independent at home!

Quality and experience matters 

Here at Care 1st our supported living services are fully-managed, we are not an introductory agency which means that we are on hand for you from the moment we meet and through our entire journey together. We are proud that our service meets or exceeds the standards set by the Care Quality Commission, we also have our own quality standards that our team is accountable for and that we live by every single day! Our teams are passionate about providing safe, effective, caring, responsive, well-led, quality care and are held accountable for ‘what matters most’ to our customers. We welcome and respond to feedback from our customers and ensure that we are always on hand to listen, so that we can continue to improve the service that we are proud to deliver. 

If you or your loved one would benefit from our supported living service, we provide services – either visiting support workers or live-in carers across the South West, from Wiltshire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Berkshire and the surrounding areas. We’re on hand to listen to any of your support needs and to talk you through your options.

Call us today on 0117 968 4809, request a callback or alternatively email us and we’ll  contact you.

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